A detailed look at future warming and remaining carbon budgets in the IPCC WG1 AR6 report

Prof Malte Meinshausen and Zebedee Nicholls, 24 August 2021. The Physical Science (Working Group 1) contribution to the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report was released on the 10th August 2021. This second of two seminars takes a closer look at two key areas in the report: future warming and remaining carbon budgets, presented by two authors that have been closely involved in this IPCC cycle. It builds on the broader overview provided by the first seminar. The seminar will present an assessment of future warming under a selection of different scenarios. We will discuss the assessments, their uncertainty and the methods used, including key methodological advancements compared to previous IPCC reports. To enhance the connection with other discussions on net zero, we will also place the scenarios considered in the context of other mitigation pathways from the scenario literature. We will also discuss new estimates of our remaining carbon budget i.e. the total amount of carbon dioxide we can emit before we cross a given temperature threshold such as 1.5C or 2.0C. We compare the updated remaining carbon budget estimates with previous estimates from the IPCC’s Special Report on 1.5C (SR1.5) and the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) and dive into some of the implications of the probabilistic language used for reporting remaining carbon budgets. We also discuss the implications for policy, particularly when we must reach net zero emissions in order to remain within the budget. This seminar is part of a series being hosted by the Climate and Energy College in 2021 that is supported by the Strategic Partnership for Implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Anyone notice at 9:00 not a single graph shows an exponential upward curve indicating none of the models used actual feedback loops which create a quadratic equation.

In algebra, a quadratic equation is any equation that can be rearranged in standard form as ax^{2}+bx+c=0 where x represents an unknown, and a, b, and c represent known numbers, where a ≠ 0. If a = 0, then the equation is linear, not quadratic, as there is no ax^2 term.

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