IPCC reveals how we are changing the climate
The first major IPCC report for seven years sheds light on the past, present and future of climate change. But what do we now know about global warming, and how will it reshape the path we choose over the next decades and centuries? I break down my key take aways from the IPCC AR6 WG1 (6th assessment report, working group 1).
Everyone that the journalists have been interviewing says the report ends with optimism by saying we can still take action, that it is up to us to shape the future but they all side stepped around the fact that much of the damage is stated as already irreversible and the actions we can take would only avert even worse outcomes.
That positive note is that it can and will be far worse than we've already seen if we don't take actions.Is really "it can and will be worse" really a positive note? and how sad is it that such a perspective is now considered optimistic.
Sure although the best time to do something is yesterday, the second best is today but we've been living on that mantra without acting today for decades.
What I see is that the situation will become serious enough for us to take dangerous geo-engineering efforts just to diffuse the problem. Low cost geo-engineering efforts such as returning jet airliners to high sulfur jet fuels to increase the albedo of clouds at the expense of acid rain would be one such acts.